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Suspect Mensah Ahiakonu Denies All Allegations

The suspect Mr. Mensah Ahiakonu, who is alleged to have been involved in Mad. Mansah Agbebo’s illness in Dzodze-Dafornyame completely denied everything Mr. Soworda Tagborlo, his accomplice, said during the Duamenefa Intervention Programme host by Evangelist Ketaman Evortepe on Fafaa radio on 27th August, 2019.

He also denied going with Tagborlo to Mad. Agbebo’s residence to bury any spiritual charm at her entrance.
In the petition submitted to the Duamenefa Foundation on May 2019, Mad. Mansah Agbebo, a petty trader, started experiencing spiritual attacks on her legs which eventually made her paralyzed.

The family of Mad. Agbebo conducted their own investigation into the spiritual attack. According to their investigation, the accomplice, Soworda Targborlo admitted before a popular fetish priest Adzato that he had accompanied Mensah Ahiakonu to set the spiritual charm at Mad. Agbebo’s doorstep targeting to take her life.
During the arbitration, Mensah Ahiakonu and Soworda Tagborlo announced before the priest that they were contracted by Mad. Agbalenyo of Dzodze-Apetepe to execute the task for which they charged Mad. Agbalenyo one hundred Ghana cedis (GHc100.00), one fowl and one bottle of akpeteshie. The family said with the two gentlemen’s admissions before the native doctor Adzato, he instructed them to go back to victim’s house to reverse the charm, but it took the men three months before they went to the house to reverse the charm buried at her entrance.

According to the family, the reversal of the charm rather aggravated the suffering of Mad. Agbebo because her legs have swollen from her feet to the lower abdomen, adding blood sometimes oozing from the wounds.

Responding to questions during the Duamenefa Intervention programme on 27th August, 2019, Mr. Soworda Tagborlo, said Mr. Mensah Ahiakonu some time ago called him on phone to accompany him to a particular place. He said he thought Mr. Ahiakonu had gotten some business for them to execute since they do work together. It was when he got to Mr. Ahiakonu, that he realized it was not business as he had expected, but Ahiakonu asked him to accompany him to Mad. Agbebo’s residence. He stated that Mr. Ahiakonu never told him what they were going to do there. But when they reached Mad. Mansah Agbebo’s residence, Ahiakonu used a nail to dig a hole at the entrance of the woman and poured some black powder into the hole. He added that when Mr. Ahiakonu was performing, he was leaning against a wall there looking at him.

He explained that when they came back from Mad Agbebo’s residence, it was then Mr. Ahiakonu revealed the secret behind their visit to the woman’s house and mentioned Mad. Agbalenyo as the one who had contracted him to perform the charm. Mr. Tagborlo said Mr. Ahiakonu gave him GHC5 which he pressured him to receive.
Mr. Soworda Tagborlo said when Mad. Agbebo fell sick, he decided to divulge the secret about Mr. Ahiakonu, because he is a traditionalist. He stated that as a traditionalist, if he failed to reveal what he witnessed Mr. Ahiakonu do, he would die.

He explained that when they were summoned before Priest Jato, Mr. Ahiakonu admitted performing the charm to harm Mad Agbebo. Mr. Tagborlo disclosed that Priest Jato instructed Mr. Ahiakonu to go back to Mad Agbebo’s house to remove the charm and other substances. He said he was not part of the delegation to remove the hidden substances Mr. Ahiakonu had buried at the doorsteps of Mad. Agbebo.

But when Evangelist Ketaman interviewed Mr. Mensah Ahiakonu he completely denied all the allegations leveled against him by Mr Tagborlo. He even denied going to Mad Agbebo’s residence and even denied admitting before the priest that he performed the charm.

On 29th August, 2019 during the Duamenefa Intervention Programme, Evangelist Ketaman questioned priest Adzato why Soworda Tagborlo did not accompany Mensah Ahiakonu to go to Mad. Agbebo’s house to remove the charms there. Priest Adzato said Soworda Tagborlo refused to accompany the delegation, but when Ketaman asked Tagborlo to respond, he said Priest Adzato never told him to accompany the delegation.

It became evident during the interrogation on the programme that Mensah Ahiakonu admitted committing the crime before the arbitration, but Priest Adzato was attempting to support Mensah Ahiakonu saying he did not say he performed the charm. Many witnesses testified that Mensah Ahiakonu confessed before Priest Adzato, but Priest Adzato said Seworda Tagborlo is a liar, saying he is also a thief.

Stakeholders who contributed during the programme said Priest Adzato was telling lies and misleading the intervention host Evangelist Ketaman. When Ketaman interviewed Mad. Agbebo about her health she said she was recovering gradually and the Evangelist assured her of full recovery, because they would continue to pray for her. Investigation is still ongoing.

Source: news editor in chief

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One comment

  1. Papa Ketaman, respect I know is reciprocal, that is you respect me,I respect you.Continue to deal with this issue to the end.In my point of view,even if that Chief should take over this issue at all,it shouldn’t be on phone and for that matter on the air waves,they are supposed to see you in person. I wish this woman a speedy recovery through our God Amen!!!

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