About nine year ago, within Dalikorpe, Dzodze in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region, a very strange growth, began to appear in between the face and neck area of a beautiful young woman named Esinam Gawu; the growth has developed and looking almost like a second face attached to her normal face.

According to Esinam, one day a family friend by the name Dome Dagba came to inform her that Mr. Sorkpa Kangaru confessed publicly that he is responsible for her strange sickness. The Gawu family, on hearing this allegation, quickly delegated Agbota Gawu to inquire from Mr. Sorkpa Kangaru, if the said allegation is true or a mere fabrication. Mr. Sorkpa confirmed to the family delegate that he truly manipulated the Juju powers on a cocoyam plantation behind his apartment, with the intention to harm anybody who attempt to pluck the leaves.
According to Mr. Sorkpa Kangaru, Esinam plucked the cocoyam leaves, hence she is suffering the consequences of the Juju powers he contracted from Amedzikorpe in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta Region. Mr. Kangaru therefore requested that the family of Esinam should produce certain items to pacify the gods and to reverse the juju powers.
The items include: One cock, a bowl of maize, pepper, onion, dry gin, a type of broom and 100 Ghana cedis. Without hesitation, the family claimed they produced the aforementioned items to Mr. Sorkpa and he allegedly performed the rituals on two different occasions yet the rituals could not yield the desire results, even though Sorkpa instructed Madam Esinam to strip naked during the process which she obliged.
The Gawu family next sought for an expert medical attention at the Ridge Hospital, Accra, where an operation was carried out to remove the growth, but the growth resurfaced twice after two consecutive operations over a period of two years.
Esinam allegedly continues to suffer sleepless nights and the inability to stretch her neck and feeding was also a challenge for the past 9 years, hence the family thought it wise to petition the Duamenefa Foundation for onward investigation and intervention.

The Duamenefa crew conducted undercover investigations into the matter and subjected the parties to on air interrogations on its intervention radio, the Fafaa 100.3 Fm Dzodze, to ascertain the veracity of the allegations . During the interrogations Mr. Sorkpa admitted to the aforementioned allegations on air.
He was educated by the retired NCCE Director of Ketu, Mr. Francis Gota, on the provisions of the 1992 Constitution in the regards, and he was given the option to reverse the juju powers under the supervision of his traditional ruler, Togbi Dali III and set the woman freed or be handed over to the police for causing harm.
Mr Sorkpa agreed to free the woman to avoid the police case, but unfortunately Sorkpa turned around to inform Togbi Dali III that he could not trace the fetish priest who initiated him with the demonic power hence it would be difficult for him to heal the woman.
With the support of the elected Assemblyman in person of honorable Paul Atisey and other well-meaning individuals, Mr Sorkpa Kangaru, was handed over to the Dzodze police for further investigation and possible processing to a court of competent jurisdiction for redress.

The Duamenefa Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization with over 15,875 registered and certified volunteering membership scattered across the various communities of the Volta Region. Members are vested with the mandate to promote peaceful coexistence through research and investigation of issues bordering on spiritual manipulations and infringement of the fundamental human right of the vulnerable of the society, therefore the petition from Esinam Gawu was directed to the Executive President of the Foundation, and the CEO of Fafaa 100.3 Fm, Mr Emmanuel Ketaman Evortepe.
Source: www.duamenefafoundation.org / news editor in chief