Friday , February 7 2025


It all started when Dr David Koetey Nutakor – The Head of Geo Technical and Hydrological Department at Rio Tinto, Boron, California in the United States of America met with his cousin Emmanuel Ketaman Evortepe, who is the Executive Council President of the Duamenefa Foundation Ghana during his visit to California in the USA.

Dr. David Nutakor, Ph.D, P.E., M.ASCE

Dr. David Kotey Nutakor took keen interest in the humanitarian activities of the Duamenefa Foundation and decided to singlehandedly adopt and supply the needs of the children’s ward of the Keta Government Hospital in memory of his parents Mr. Leonard Besah Gbede Nutakor and Madam Sabina Atsemuyo Evortepe. Dr. David Nutakor applied through the Duamenefa Foundation to the management of the hospital for the aforementioned purpose. The administrator of the hospital, Mr. Aforbu, without hesitation forwarded the request to the medical director Dr. Ekuban and she gave an approval for the purpose. A wish list was generated by the hospital administration through the Duamenefa Foundation for Dr. David Koetey Nutakor’s attention and action.

Phase one – the beginning

Dr. David Nutakor, through the Duamenefa Foundation, began by extending a hand of fellowship by providing meals for all in-patients and out-patients during the yuletide of January 2020.

Phase two

In the month of March, he rolled out the second phase of support to the ward through the purchase, installation and dish hookup of a 65” flat screen television. The channels were set for children’s programming and the television was hung between two wards, so a large number could view it.

Phase three

This followed with the third phase of works in the month of June – July where the renovation of the children’s ward through the repainting of the entire ward took place.

Phase four

Next was the fourth phase of works between October and November 2020, where the need to install curtains became very necessary. The curtains were sewn to cover 53 windows and this phase of works was successfully completed and handed over to the hospital authorities on Tuesday the 27th day of November 2020.


The consistent support of Dr. David Kotey Nutakor during the course of the year has motivated the executive council of the Duamenefa Foundation hence the foundation moved in to apply for the adoption of the Male ward of the Keta Government Hospital and this was approved and the foundation also began by supplying television sets to the four wards of the Male ward.

Dr. Antoinette Ekuban, Medical Diirector

Dr. Antoinette Ekuban, the Medical Director of the Keta Government Hospital on behalf of the Management and Staff, expressed their heartfelt appreciations to God for Dr. David Koetey Nutakor for his great initiative to adopt the children’s ward in memory of his parents, Mr. Leonard Besah Gbede Nutakor and his mother Madam, Sabina Atsemuyo Evortepe. She said this move has brought a lot of change to the lives of the children and it also motivates their recovery and early discharge. She prays that the good Lord shall supply his needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus. She also thanks the Duamenefa Foundation for adopting the Male ward and their provision of 32’television sets for the four wards of the Male ward as this is an aid to the psychological relief and early discharge of inpatients.

Source: / News editor in chief

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