On his fact-finding visit to the Ketu South, Hon. Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, the Volta Regional Minister in his address to the people of Ketu South tried to justify the legitimacy of the operations of the Seven Seas Salt company in areas considered by the people as “NOT YET APPROVED BY EPA”, Dr. Letsa claimed in his speech quote, “fortunately I was in parliament yesterday and the Minister of Environment Science and Innovation, Dr. Afriyie confirmed that all the proper documentations of the Seven Seas Salt Company had been done……..” end of quote, so they are free to operate in the said areas. Whereas the hazardous nature of their operations in such areas is detrimental to the lives of people.
Ever since the above pronouncement by the Regional Minister, the people of Ketu South kept calling Fafaa FM for further investigations to substantiate the veracity of the claims made by their Regional Minister.
In order to allay their fears and worries, the Duamenefa Foundation, a Social Intervention NGO of Fafaa 100.3 FM through its Executive President and CEO, Mr. Emmanuel Ketaman Evortepe have to call for the video and audio tapes of the parliamentary proceedings between Hon. Dzudzorli Gakpey, MP for Keta Constituency and the Hon. Minister of Environment Science and Innovation, Hon. Dr. Afriyie, in respect of the operations of the Seven Seas Company within the areas in contention.
In the said video, the response from the Minister of Environment is in variance with the assertions of the Volta Regional Minister.
Watch the video from parliament:
Listen to Dr. Letsa, the Regional Minister.
Ketu South has been entangled in the web of allegations of a power play by one Chief Adamah who is considered a close friend of the Regional Minister.
Togbi Adama allegedly connived with the salt company and authorized them to operate in areas where they are yet to secure an environmental permit.
According to the lamentations of the citizens on Fafaa FM, Togbi Adama allegedly has the backing of the Regional Minister, Dr. Letsa, to do what he is doing to their detriment.
In a press release of the people of Ketu South during their peaceful demonstration held on the 27th day of September, 2022 dubbed, “Miekukum” to wit, “we are dying”, the petitioners claimed they have lost 16 lives through the illegalities of the salt company.
In the meantime, Chief Adama and his cohorts allegedly received payment in excess of Ghc 530,000.00 in unjustifiable claims made to the Seven Seas Company.
The former Municipal Chief Executive Officer of Ketu South Hon. Elliot Agbenorwu has issued a stop work order to the said salt company in September, 2021. He was later removed from office and replaced with Hon. Maxwell Kofi Lugudor, who ignored the stop work order and allowed the salt company to keep operating.
Hon. Lugudor claimed he was offered a quantum of bribe by the Seven Seas Company to be used to induce the Assemblymen for his endorsement. but he declined the offer. Now the Assemblymen are suspecting he might have gone for the money, hence his sudden change.
While the power play continues, the people suffereth severely.
As at the time of this publication, four lifeless bodies of the family of a teacher by the name Mr.Amewu Atisso, his dear wife and her three children are lying at the mortuary of the Aflao General Hospital.
The four died in a pond allegedly constructed by the Seven Seas Company in an unapproved EPA area of their concession.
Watch out for further development. …….
Source: duamenefafoundation.org / news editor in chief